XXV Reunião Anual NYU - ESORIB - CEPG-MD

XXV Reunião Anual NYU – ESORIB – CEPG-MD em Málaga – Espanha

Será realizado nos próximos dias 10 e 11 de junho o encontro anual dos professores da New York University e os alunos e ex alunos do Centro Europeu de Pós Graduação – Medicina Dentária de Portugal e da ESORIB European School of Oral Rehabilitation Implantology and Biomaterials da Espanha.

Este encontro faz parte do programa de formação dos cursos de implantologia e prótese do CEPG e da ESORIB.


Spring Meeting in Malaga NYU-ESORIB-CEPG June 10-11,2016 (Friday and saturday)


Viernes 10 de junio

09.00-09.30 Prof- Kendall BEACHAM,

Presentacion y Bienvenida de les Jornadas

O9.30-11.15 Dr. A.WEISGOLD

Esthetic and Gingival Problems of the Single Tooth Implant

11.15-11-30 CAFÉ

11.30-13.00 Dr,A.WEISGOLD


13.00-13.30 Comunicaciones Libres

13.30-14.30 – ALMOÇO

14.30-16.30 Dr,C.EVIAN

Adrances and Innovations in Dental Lasers for Surgial SUCCESS

16.30-17.00 CAFÉ

17.30-18.00 Dr, C. EVIAN


18,00-19.00 Comunicaciones Libres


SABADO 11 de junio

09.00-11.00 Dr.G.SARNACHIARO

Optimiziación Esthetic con técnicas adhesivas; Principios generales

11.00-11.30 CAFÉ

11.30-12.30 Dr G,SARNACHIARO


12.30-13.00 Comunicaciones Libres.

13-30-14.30 ALMOÇO

14.30-16.30 Dr.J. LEVINE

Integration of Smile Design and Occlusion Using a Three Step Analysis

16.30–17.00 CAFÉ

17.00- 18.00 Dr,J.LEVINE


18.00-19.00 Dr,R.COLOMBO

Ortodoncia e implantes,una relacion facible.
Ferulizacion diente implante, ficción e realidad




Dr. Weisgold received his DDS from Temple University. He received certificates in Periodontics and Periodontal Prosthesis (Fixed Prosthodontics) completing post-doctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Clinical Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and is the Director of Postdoctoral Periodontal Prosthesis where he established the Department of Form and Function of the Masticatory System. He is also a Clinical Professor at the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Dr. Weisgold lectures both nationally and internationally on the topics of Implant Prosthodontics, Advanced Restorative Dentistry, Esthetics, Occlusion and Periodontal Prosthesis. He is consulting editor for Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry and The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. He has published texts and papers extensively on restorative dentistry, implant prosthodontics, and occlusion. – See more at: http://www.deardoctor.com/authors/dr-arnold-s-weisgold/#sthash.URRoHaUn.dpuf
Dr. Jonathan B. Levine is a man on a mission: To revolutionize the oral care and dental aesthetics industry. As a renowned dentist and prosthodontist in practice for nearly 30 years, Dr. Levine offers a comprehensive approach to dental health, intersecting beauty with function.  Dr. Levine is a visionary product inventor, clinical researcher and published author. Holding three patents and 12 patents pending in oral care, Dr. Levine is responsible for modernizing the way people whiten their teeth. By combining his numerous patents with innovative dental technologies and a tenacious drive to always “make it safer, faster and more effective,” Dr. Levine continues to up the ante with breakthrough professional techniques, and sleek, sophisticated at-home consumer and professional teeth whitening treatments.
Dr. Levine is an Associate Professor at the NYU School of Dentistry and is as committed to advances in the medical field as he is to his patients at 923 Fifth Avenue. A national key opinion leader in oral health, Dr. Levine believes strongly in guiding the next generation of dentists and is the Program Director of the Advanced Aesthetics Program in Dentistry at NYU CE. Dr. Levine also contributes his professional services to humanitarian efforts and organizations. He is on the board of Foundation Rwanda, which helps the children ofthe 1994 genocide, and on the advisory board of Health Corps, a national service and peer-mentoring initiative.  He also donates his services to Operation Smile to help correct childhood facial deformities across the globe.

Dr. Sarnachiaro, received his dental degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires Facultad de Odontologia, graduating magna cum laude. He completed his Oral Surgery Residency Program in the Hospital Interzonal de Agudos Eva Peron and obtained his certificate in Prosthodontics at the Instituto Cientifico Buenos Aires. Dr. Sarnachiaro completed a Fellowship Program in Oral Implantology as part of the University of Pittsburgh’s continuing education program in Argentina. Relocating to the United States in 2003, he received his U.S. DDS degree from the New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD), once again graduating with honors. He is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine’s Department of Prosthodontics, and at the Temple University School of Dentistry’s Department of Periodontology-Oral Implantology. He is a Clinical Professor at the Maimonides Universit School of Dentistry. Dr. Sarnachiaro has done extensive research in the fields of dental implants and related biomaterials. He has lectured throughout the United States, and in Argentina, Brazil and Italy.
Has been practicing dentistry since 1971. He earned his certificate in Periodontics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1979, and established his private practice in King Of Prussia in 1986. Dedicated to this institution he remained at UPenn as a professor and then Director of the Department of Graduate Periodontics and Implant Dentistry. In 2001 he was asked to become the interim Chairman of the Department of Periodontics until 2005.
Dr. Cyril I. Evian has a passion for the field that drives his desire to educate those that share his sentiment. His breadth of experience includes his position as a Clinical Professor at the University of Maryland, and a faculty member at New York University. He was previously a Clinical Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and a clinical Professor of Periodontics at Temple University. He has published extensively in the field of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry and lectures nationally and internationally in his field of expertise. Dr. Cyril I. Evian is also a consultant to numerous dental and implant companies.
As a prominent dental surgeon specializing in Periodontics, Implantology, and Tempromandibular disorders, Dr. Cyril I. Evian provides each patient with the benefits of 40 years of experience and exceptional training. His practice offers the latest in modern technology, equipment, and treatment along with a dedicated staff of professionals to serve our patients.

Thoughts from Dr. Cyril I. Evian:
I practiced General Dentistry for six years before moving to the United States to study Periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania. I was fortunate to have had some of the finest Professors in the Dental world as my Mentors. I cherished the opportunity to teach and undertake research projects at the University full time for the next seven years. I achieved my ultimate dream when I started my practice in 1986. It has been an honor to have practiced in the same facility for the past 25 years, and continued to teach at Penn and other prestigious institutions. As an Educator, I feel privileged to help residents become the finest professionals and technically advanced practitioners. The ultimate for me as an educator is to help guide the periodontal and dental residents to achieve their utmost in potential.
I believe you become a great teacher when you understand what students need to develop and grow.
“Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.”
With my educational background, research endeavors and passion for teaching I’ve been fortunate to have traveled all around the world educating Dentists about advanced Dentistry, Periodontics and Implant Dentistry. I also continue to educate myself reading and attending lectures and symposia.
“Education is a journey not a destination.”
My philosophy of life: work hard and play hard, know when to work and when to play, and never mix the two.


-Título de odontólogo por la Universidad de Buenos Aires.1984
-Profesor  a Cargo de la Cátedra de Prótesis Estomatológica I. Universidad Católica de Valencia-España ,desde el año 2012.
-Profesor  a Cargo de la Cátedra de Prótesis Estomatológica II. Universidad Católica de Valencia-España, desde el año 2012.
-Post-Grado en Periodoncia e Implantología por la Universidad de New York.1996-97
-Profesor colaborador del Master de Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral organizado por E.S.O.R.I.B en colaboración con las Universidades de Nueva York y París XII, desde el año 1995.
-Profesor colaborador del Master de Oclusión y Protesis dirigido por el Dr.Marc Obrecht en la Escuela Europea de Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral. Desde el año 1997.
-Coordinador en Europa del curso anual práctico de Implantologia   , que se desarrolla en Brasil por la Asociación Brasileña de Odontología y el Instituto Internacional de Estudios Avanzados en Odontología.
-Socio fundador de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Odontología Integral. “A.I.D.O.I”
-Socio fundador de la Academia Internacional de Implantología y Periodoncia “A.I.I.P”
-Socio de la Sociedad Española de Implantología “S.E.I”
-Socio de la Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica  “SEPES”
-Conferencias en España, Brasil, Argentina, Italia, Portugal, Francia y Venezuela.


XXV Reunião Anual NYU - ESORIB - CEPG-MD